Multi-Faith Day on Islam 2022
To start our day, the whole school had a virtual assembly with a Muslim speaker called 'Imran'. Everybody really enjoyed this session and learnt lots of information which they could share throughout the day. There were also lots of questions asked!
We were told that Islam is the 'Five Pillars' which are:
1. Belief
2. Prayer
3. Charity
4. Fasting
5. Pilgrimage
After the assembly, each year group focussed on a different aspect of the Muslim religion.
Year 1 looked at stories about Muhammad.
Year 2 looked at prayer, focusing on the preparation and prayer mats.
Year 3 looked at their place of worship, which is a Mosque.
Year 4 looked at their Holy book, which is The Qu'ran.
Year 5 looked at their beliefs and festivals focussing on Ramadan and their pilgrimage to Mecca.
Year 6 looked at the Muslim's belonging and guidance through the 'Five Pillars'.