Holy Family Catholic Primary School

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If your child will be absent from school, please call the school on 01454 866786. You can choose option 1 if you would like to speak to someone in the office or option 2 to leave a message on the answerphone.

Attendance, Punctuality, and Term-Time Holidays

At Holy Family Catholic Primary School, we are committed to ensuring that all pupils receive the highest standard of education, which is only possible through regular attendance and punctuality. In addition to being present and on time every day, it is important to understand our policies regarding term-time holidays, unauthorised absences, and illness-related absences.

Soft Start from 8:30 AM

Our classrooms open from 8:30 AM for a soft start, allowing pupils to settle in, prepare for the day, and engage in early learning activities. This helps ease the transition into the school day and sets a positive tone for learning.

Lessons Begin at 8:45 AM

The official school day starts at 8:45 AM when registers are taken and lessons commence. Pupils arriving after this time will be marked as late.

Late Arrivals

  • Pupils arriving after 8:45 AM will be marked as late (L code).
  • Pupils arriving after registers close at 9:15 AM, without a valid reason, will be marked as Late After Registers Close (U code), which is recorded as an unauthorised absence.

Illness and Medical Absences

We understand that sometimes, due to illness, children are unable to attend school. If your child is too unwell to participate in their normal school activities, it is important they stay at home to rest and recover. Illnesses (I code) are generally considered authorised absences; however, if a child experiences frequent or recurring illnesses within a short period of time, the school may request further information or medical evidence to ensure there are no underlying concerns that need to be addressed.

In certain cases, there are NHS guidelines that must be followed for specific illnesses, such as chickenpox or stomach bugs, which may require a longer absence to prevent the spread of illness to other pupils and staff. We ask parents to inform the school as soon as possible if their child is unwell, and to provide medical evidence if absences become frequent or prolonged.

Term-Time Holidays and Unauthorised Absences

Holidays During Term Time
Term-time holidays will never be authorised except in exceptional circumstances. Requests for term-time holidays will almost always be coded as G—which stands for family holiday not agreed—and are recorded as unauthorised absences.

Monitoring Unauthorised Absences
All unauthorised absences are monitored on a rolling 3-year basis, including any absences across different schools or local authority areas. Parents should be aware that Penalty Notices can be issued when there are 10 unauthorised absences (1 school day = 2 sessions, 5 school days = 10 sessions). This threshold can be met through any combination of unauthorised absences within 10 school weeks. Penalty Notices apply to both term-time holidays and irregular attendance—whether absences are consecutive or accumulated over time.

Penalty Notices for Unauthorised Absences

First Penalty Notice
Issued for term-time absences or irregular attendance:

  • £80 per parent, per child (if paid within 21 days)
  • £160 per parent, per child (if paid after 21 days but within 28 days)

Second Penalty Notice
Issued for further term-time absences or irregular attendance by the same parent for the same child:

  • £160 per parent, per child (flat rate, payable within 28 days)
    No discount is available for early payment.

Further Offences
A third offence of unauthorised term-time absences or irregular attendance within 3 years (including from other schools or local authorities) may result in an automatic request for prosecution.

Working with the Education Welfare Officer

At Holy Family, we work closely with an external Education Welfare Officer who monitors attendance every term in collaboration with Mr Harding. The Education Welfare Officer is involved in any support meetings or communications related to attendance following this monitoring process.

Our goal is to provide families with the support they need to improve attendance and ensure that all pupils have the best chance to succeed academically and socially. If attendance becomes a concern, we will work together with families to identify any barriers and develop strategies to improve attendance.

Legal Responsibilities and Consequences

Under the Education Act 1996, it is the legal responsibility of parents/carers to ensure their child attends school regularly. Failure to do so without good cause may lead to prosecution. If found guilty, parents may face:

  • A fine of up to £2,500
  • And/or a custodial sentence of up to 3 months

We urge all parents and carers to prioritise their child's attendance and avoid booking holidays during term time. If you have any questions or are facing challenges with attendance, please contact the school office for support. We are here to work with you to ensure your child thrives in their educational journey.

 Application for Leave of Absence