Holy Family Catholic Primary School

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Ofsted & School Performance

Ofsted visited our school on 21st and 22nd September 2022.  The Inspector met with Mr Harding, all senior leaders and many subject leaders as well as Governors and support staff.  The Inspector spoke to parents, via a questionnaire and in person in the playground; as well as talking to the children.  

Some highlights of the report are:

Holy Family is a school community rooted in
the values of the Catholic faith.

The school’s mission statement of ‘Always our best for God, each other and ourselves’ is lived out daily in the way pupils and adults treat each other with fairness and respect.

Leaders are ambitious for all pupils. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and the many pupils who speak English as an additional language learn well here.

Holy Family gives a warm welcome to pupils
and families from all over the world.

New pupils and their families quickly become a valued part of the school community.

Parents appreciate the commitment and support
school leaders give them.

Phonics teaching starts when children enter Reception. Phonics is taught effectively.

Pupils who speak English as an additional language quickly gain the phonic knowledge they need to become successful readers. The books for early readers help pupils to grow in fluency and confidence.

Leaders have identified and sequenced the mathematics curriculum effectively. Learning is broken down into small steps. This helps pupils, including those with SEND, to learn well

Pupils with SEND receive the support they need to do well at school. Their needs are identified accurately and plans are reviewed regularly.

Parents of children with SEND value the support and communication they receive from leaders and teachers.

Parents are clear that the school helps their children to grow and succeed.

The curriculum helps pupils become well-rounded young people who have the skills to make a difference to the world as they grow older. They have a strong awareness of equality, respect for others and their stewardship of the world.

They talk with confidence about how discrimination, such as by race, gender or sexual orientation, is wrong.

Safeguarding is at the heart of the school’s work. Leaders are tenacious in making sure children are safe.


To read our full report please click the link or see attached document.


Report 2022