Holy Family Catholic Primary School

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Vision & Values

All that we do at Holy Family is underpinned by the seven strands of Catholic Social Teaching:  

  • Stewardship
  • The Dignity of Work
  • Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
  • Rights and Responsibilities
  • Solidarity and the Common Good
  • Family and Community
  • Life and Dignity of the Human Person

You can find out more about what we do to exemplify these values, and how they are threaded through our distinct Catholic curriculum here.

British values at Holy Family School

Holy Family is a Catholic school which seeks to live out the values of Jesus Christ, including honesty, truth, service of others, compassion, sharing, forgiving, hope, justice, integrity and community.  We promote these values by our words and deeds.  These values, therefore, permeate every aspect of the school’s activity.   We provide a Catholic education, which is broad and balanced, recognising that every pupil is unique and is created in the image of God.  Our curriculum is designed to enable every pupil to discern their vocation and to be well-equipped to follow it as active citizens in service to the world.  We provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities and strong pastoral support.  We incorporate democratic principles, value the rule of law, support individual liberty and foster a community in which different faiths and beliefs are respected and valued.


Holy Family School has a School Council and an Eco Committee.   Members of these groups are elected in each class each year in a democratic manner.  They discuss issues relevant to the school and seek to provide solutions/set up projects to benefit the school and the pupils and staff of the school.  Debating is encouraged in all classes, with respect shown for the person speaking and clear articulation of thoughts highlighted.  During national elections, mock elections are held in some classes, where debating and canvassing are practised.

The Rule of Law:

each class at Holy Family School puts together a set of class rules which are then expected to be followed by all.  There is a clear behaviour policy that is understood by all within the school.  There are annual visits by Police, Fire and other service members to help pupils understand their role in society and the importance of making the right choices in life.  Y6 visit the Life-skills centre where they can experience situations that they may not have come across and help them prepare for the wider world.

Individual liberty:

pupils are encouraged to be independent in their learning throughout their time at Holy Family School.  Forest School sessions encourage pupils to take personal responsibility and at the same time look out for others.  Pupils are encouraged through RE lessons and assemblies to think about their talents and how they can use them to help others.

Mutual respect:

the Holy Family School Mission Statement sets out what everyone involved in the school can expect to receive as a right and also how they, in turn, are expected to respond to these rights, for example, everyone can expect to be treated with respect and, in return, they are expected to treat others with respect.  All members of staff are expected to be role models, promoting good manners, polite speaking and kindness at all times.  During class discussions everyone is expected to practise good listening and respect others’ opinions.  There is an effective Anti-bullying Policy in place that is reviewed regularly by the School Council as well as the Governors. The school works closely with the South Gloucestershire Catholic Schools Partnership as well as with other network groups locally and further afield.  The school has fundraising days once a month and supports different charities throughout the year.  The charities can be nominated by staff, pupil, governors or families.  Where possible, local charities come into school to inform the pupils about their work, and to encourage them to look at life from a different perspective.

Respect of those with different faiths and beliefs:

pupils at Holy Family School are taught to respect those with other faiths and to value what they are teaching us about their relationship with God.  All pupils are taught about other faiths every year including those of other Christian denominations.  Striving to deepen their own relationship with God, and develop their understanding and knowledge of their own faith and its traditions, provides a good basis for understanding, respecting and valuing others.