Holy Family Catholic Primary School

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St Teresa of Calcutta (Year Four)

Welcome to the Year 4 Class page 

Our class saint is St Teresa of Calcutta

Welcome to our new academic year!

Dear Parent/Carer,

We hope that all our families have had a fun and restful summer and that the children are excited to return to school on Wednesday 4th September. We would like to share some key information with you, which will support your child’s learning in Year 4. We will also continue to use Class Dojo as our main method of communication, so please keep an eye out for news and useful information on our School and Class Pages as well as direct messages when face to face communication isn’t possible.

Our class Mass will be on Wednesday 18th September at 2.30pm. Please join us if you can. We will share further information with you shortly. 

The Team 

Ms Butcher and Ms Neill are the class teachers. Ms Butcher works on a Monday and Tuesday and Ms Neill works on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Our wonderful teaching assistants are Miss Arthur and Mrs Spratt. 

Please feel free to send a message via Class Dojo or speak to a member of the team if you have anything you would like to ask or discuss. Please contact the relevant teacher according to the day of the week so that messages are not missed or delayed (Ms Butcher - Monday and Tuesday, Ms Neill - Wednesday to Friday).

Reading and Homework

All pupils will be given two school books to read. We encourage the children to read and record five times each week. Once your child reaches a multiple of 100, they will be rewarded with a book of their choice by Mr Harding. You can support children by listening to them read and questioning them on what they have read, especially any new vocabulary they encounter. Re-reading books is a great way to build fluency and understanding so if you have finished before book change day then please do this. Reading books will be changed every Tuesday and returned to the children on a Wednesday morning, but they must be brought into school every day. If you are interested in volunteering or hearing children read, we would welcome you to join us. Please get in touch!

Homework will be set on Times Tables Rockstars and Spelling Shed and we will also have homework projects related to our topic work throughout the year.


P.E. will be taught every Monday and Wednesday. Your child needs to wear full P.E kit into school on those days. If your child wears earrings they must be able to remove them for P.E. If they cannot remove their earrings, please provide them with medical tape, so they can cover them up. The children will have swimming lessons from February and further information will be shared closer to the time.

We look forward to seeing you all in September. If you have any questions please contact us via Dojo or come and see us at the end of the day.

We look forward to a wonderful year together.

Kind regards

Ms Butcher, Ms Neill, Miss Arthur and Mrs Spratt