Holy Family Catholic Primary School

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St Josephine Bakhita (Year Five)

Our Class Saint is: Saint Josephine Bakhita.

We have made a separate page to share our knowledge of our class Saint.


Miss Pawling is the Year Five teacher and Mrs Nyarko, Ms Doinik, Ms Grace and Mrs Migdzinska are the Year Five teaching assistants. 


Spellings will be set each week with a focus on learning the spelling rule. Homework will be given out via ‘Spelling Shed’, and the children will be expected to log on and practise their spellings. There will be no spelling tests, instead I will look for evidence of their spelling throughout their work. The children have logins for Spelling Shed – please message me on Dojo if you need another copy.


Reading books will be collected in on Wednesdays to be changed on a Thursday morning. Children should read at least 3 times a week and this should be recorded on BoomReader. It is vital your child reads as often as possible at home (with an adult) to help their reading progress.  

You can support your child by:

  • Listening to them read 10 minutes every day as this makes such a big impact to their understanding in reading but in turn, all subjects
  • Asking them questions about the text
  • Using a dictionary together to discover the meaning of any unknown vocabulary they encounter.

Time tables

Children should continue to practice their times tables as often as possible on TT Rockstars. Throughout the year, we will be practising times tables in class weekly.

Maths homework

Each day the children will be given maths homework which consists of 8 arithmetic questions to complete and bring in the following day to discuss and mark. On some days, there are video links where explanations are given to support your child. Hopefully this should take no longer than 5 minutes. Please don’t worry if there are questions your child doesn’t understand yet, as we will not have covered all the things that have come up!

Thank you for your anticipated support in ensuring completion of homework activities.


PE will be taught on a Tuesday and Thursday so please ensure your child comes in wearing their PE kit on these days. 

My planning and preparation time will be on a Thursday afternoon, children will be taught by Mrs Scriven, as well as having Signature Sports. I will be updating you with messages, pictures and news on Class Dojo.

Please do not hesitate to message me on Class Dojo for any reason, no matter how small. It’s going to be a fantastic year!

Many thanks,

Miss Pawling and the Year Five Team.

