Year 3 Cricket
St Bernadette (Year Three)
Welcome to St Bernadette Class Page
St. Bernadette teaches us that no matter how young or small we are, we can still do big things for God. She showed us that being brave and true to our beliefs is important. Like Bernadette, we can trust in God, be kind to others, and never be afraid to share what we believe in. If we have faith in God and follow His guidance, we can make a difference in the world, just like St. Bernadette did.
Welcome to Spring Term
We are looking forward to welcoming your children back, ready for their fourth academic term in Year Three!
We continue to use Class Dojo as our main method of communication. Photos, videos and dates will be uploaded to our Class Dojo.
The following information is to support your child’s learning:
Class Information
Miss Lloyd teaches the class on Mondays and Tuesday, and Mrs Thomson teaches the class Wednesday through to Friday. The children also benefit from the support of Mrs Migdzinksa during the mornings and Mrs Cross Monday afternoons. Miss Watkins and Mrs Doinik will also be in class.
Class information is shared and updated regularly via our Class Dojo page. Please feel free to send a message via Class Dojo or speak to a member of the team if you have anything you would like to ask or discuss.
If you are interested in volunteering in Year Three, hearing children read, joining us for class trips or helping to prepare resources, we would welcome you to join us, so please get in touch!
Homework will consist of:
- Reading (more information below)
- Times Table Rockstars
- Spelling Shed
- Optional homework uploaded to Class Dojo
- Termly History or Geography project
Each term, we also send home details of a longer homework project linked to our learning in class. Please see Class Dojo for the separate letter.
Children are encouraged to reread each of their reading books at least three times across the week to help build understanding, fluency and prosody. Talking about their reading will also help to develop their comprehension skills. To support your children, please use the ‘bookmark’ that was sent home to ask them questions about the texts they have read; talking about what they have read will help to develop their comprehension skills. You could also use a dictionary to look up unknown words. Children may then go on to read their own books to help foster an enjoyment of reading. Please record all reading using the BoomReader App. This is checked weekly and books will only be changed if reading is recorded at least three times each week. Reading books will be collected in on Tuesday to be changed on a Wednesday morning.
PE and Forest School
Our PE takes place every Monday and Wednesday. The children need to come in wearing their PE kit on these days (black shorts or joggers, red polo top and black plimsolls). For your child's safety it is also highly important that long hair is tied back and that no earrings are worn on P.E. days. If for any reason earrings cannot be removed, you will need to provide your child with tape or plasters that can cover them instead.
We will do Forest School and outdoor learning in some areas of the curriculum. A message will be sent via Class Dojo giving notice when additional outdoor clothing is required but suitable warm and/or waterproof coats should be worn every day as appropriate for the daily weather. Wellington boots can be stored on the pegs provided outside the classroom.
Curriculum Overview
An overview of the curriculum to be covered this term can be found in the attachments below. Should you have any questions about the curriculum, or any aspect of Year Three, do let us know. We can be contacted directly via ‘messages’ on Class Dojo.
Best wishes,
Miss Lloyd and Mrs Thomson,
& The Year Three Team!