Holy Family Catholic Primary School

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School Day

School doors open at: 8.30am and children meet in the hall before the bell rings at 8.45am and the children go to their classes.  

Children in KS2 have breaktime from 10.15 - 10.30

Children in KS1 have breaktime from 10.30-10.45

Lunchtime for children in KS2 is 12noon - 1pm and KS1 from 12.20 - 1.20pm

Our school day finishes at 3.20pm.

This amounts to a total time in school of 32 hours 55 minutes per week.

Children in Reception class receive a carton of milk each day until their 5th birthday.  All children in KS1 can choose a piece of fruit for a breaktime snack.

Children should only bring water to drink throughout the day.

Children play outside as much as possible at break and lunchtimes so please ensure your child has a coat in school.

We offer breakfast club each morning, which must be booked in advance.  Breakfast club runs from 7.45am and costs £5 (£4 for siblings).

After school sports clubs run on a termly basis - letters are sent out each term with full details.  These are not designed as After School Care but more of sporting interest.

We offer after school club - Fox Cubs - which must be booked in advance.  This club runs from 3.20 - 4.30pm or 3.20 - 6pm (5.30pm on Friday).  Fox Cubs meet in the Fox Den building and children should be collected directly from there.