Holy Family Catholic Primary School

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SEND and Inclusion

At Holy Family Catholic Primary School, we are committed to the equality of opportunity for all pupils.  In line with Holy Family's mission statement, whereby each child is seen as an individual with his/her own particular needs and potential, we aim to ensure that every child participates fully in the curriculum and, social and spiritual life of the school, irrespective of age, ability or disability, as far as they are able.

We have strong relationships with many agencies outside school to help us meet the additional needs of some of our children and to support their families e.g. Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists & Occupational Therapists.  

Our SEND School Information Report describes the provision Holy Family makes for children who have a greater difficulty in learning (i.e. both in the academic and social context) than the majority of the children of the same age, or who have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities, of the kind generally available in our school (from 1981 & 1983 Education Act). Further information can also be found in our SEND Policy.

If you would like to find out more about South Gloucestershire's SEND Local Offer, please click on the following link:  www.southglos.gov.uk/localoffer  

If you would like to discuss your child with our SENDCo, Mrs Collins, please call 01454 866786. Mrs Collins' working days are Mondays and Tuesdays; you can also contact her by email on senco@holyfamilyprimary.co.uk

You may find the following websites useful:

SEND & You - (also known as Supportive Parents), are a resource with over 30 years of experience, who provide information, advice and support about SEND to children and young people up to 25 years old and their parents and carers.

South Glos Parents and Carers (SGPC) are a forum who aim to make your voice heard as families and offer networking opportunities with other families with children aged 0-25 years with SEN.  

The South Glos Way Inclusion Toolkit is a helpful resource for families with children aged between 0-25 years with special educational needs.

School Nursing Service - School Nurses work with children, young people, and their parents/carers to maximise their health and well-being. School Nurses provide information and support on several topics that children or young people come across that can affect their health.

Bristol Autism Support exists to provide support, advice and information to parents and carers of autistic children, diagnosed or suspected, in Bristol, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset and BaNES.

Autism Education Trust (AET) champion a world where being different is something to be celebrated and where all autistic learners experience a positive education that supports their well-being.