Holy Family Catholic Primary School

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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding is provided by the DfE to enable the school to provide focused support for those children entitled to free school meals or those deemed to be in need of additional help. The funding is used to address the barriers to learning which are relevant to our school, for example: attendance; language and communication skills; some social skills and SEN difficulties; developing English and Maths skills and understanding; and, in some cases, a lack of parental engagement and support for learning at home. 

Our Pupil Premium Strategy

Our strategy is to use focused individual and group interventions to seek to develop skills in speaking and listening, reading, writing, spelling and mathematics for those children.  These sessions are planned and taught by a number of teachers and teaching assistants and monitored by the Senior Leadership Team. We also use our Pupil Premium funding to increase parental involvement in school and to support parents in helping their children to learn at home. Alongside this, our funding is used to ensure the well-being of our pupils, through the work of our pupil mentor, play-worker and sand tray therapist, so that they are ready for learning. The spending plan below details each intervention or service and states the impact of our strategy on pupil progress in past years.

Our Pupil Premium strategies are reviewed on a half-termly basis and intervention groups changed accordingly.  The strategy is reviewed on an annual basis as part of the school self evaluation cycle. For more information take a look at the attached document.


Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-2023 REVIEW