Holy Family Catholic Primary School

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Mission Statement

In September, we had a day focussing on our mission statement. The purpose of this day was to get everyone (all staff, pupils and governors) to think about…

What does the mission statement mean to me?

The outcome was that all children would understand our mission statement as well as having the confidence to talk about it and how it impacts them.

The day began with an assembly by Mr. Harding, who spoke about the mission statement and it's meaning as well as thinking about inspiring leaders that the children would know and the impact that they have made.

In classes, the children discussed what each part of the mission statement meant…

Always our best for God.

Always our best for each other.

Always our best for ourselves.

The children would asked to think about...

  • What do they each mean to them? What would they look like?
  • How could they live this out every day? – EYFS/KS1/Years 3 and 4 were thinking about school. Years 5 and 6 thought about school and the wider community.

They also thought about…

  • What makes a good leader?
  • Who inspires them as a leader?
  • How could they be a leader of tomorrow?

Within discussions, comments made by the children were recorded:

"We can do our best for ourselves by not doubting ourselves and having confidence."

"We can show resilience and not give up on ourselves. We can not stop at the first hurdle, but carry on as we may miss the other good things after the hurdle."

"Treat people as went want to be treated."

"We can care for others' opinions and respect others. We can support each other, no matter what it is. Be kind to yourself, be kind to others, and be kind to God."

"We can be the leaders of tomorrow by being supportive and courageous. We can be role models to each other and stand up for others' rights."

Staff and governors were also asked for comments about the mission statement:

"For me, our mission statement encompasses everything we want to be as a school. Our children are so articulate about being the leaders of tomorrow and are growing in confidence about the fact that they can make a difference. Our mission statement enables our children to be gospel activists, and they become a beacon on the hill for others to find the way. As a member of staff, our mission statement amplifies the high expectations we have of the children in our care and of each other. Everybody works so hard for the good of the school and pull together when it’s most needed. Our mission statement means there are no ‘passengers’ and we are all constantly striving for more, to be our best for God, each other and ourselves, to the benefit of Holy Family."

"It means believing in each other and ourselves, as one family working towards a better tomorrow."

"Our mission statement is a reminder of the values which are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning; creating an ethos of love, care, respect and trust in which our pupils can flourish."

"To me, the mission statement means that we endeavour to be our best self, treating others with respect and kindness whether this be in school or the wider community. As teachers, we are to set an example to those around us, showing how we always try our best in all situations and how we can have a positive impact on the world around us."

"God has given us all special and unique talents, and it is our responsibility to share and celebrate these talents with others, for ourselves and for Him. It is our duty to be proud of ourselves and to respect and celebrate the special and unique talents that God has imparted in all of us."

“I will aim to try my best in everything I do, thinking of how I can make a difference to the world and the people around me. I want to help others to find their gift and support my friends and family the best way I can.”

“God will be looking over me, and He will guide me to take care of myself and show respect, support and kindness to all”

"To me, the mission statement is how we all should live our lives in their entirety and not just when at school. 'Always our best for God'  to me is a reminder that God gave His best for us, His only-begotten Son, so that we can live in freedom and forgiveness. Therefore, He deserves our best as we try to be more Christ-like and do the best we can with what we have. 

'Each other and ourselves' to me are linked. Jesus taught us to love our neighbours, so when you love someone, you want to do the best for them. It goes on to say love your neighbours as you love yourself, so we need to do our best for ourselves, showing love and respect to us personally, so that we may further ourselves and have pride in our work and participation in school life. 

I feel the mission statement really echoes these verses;

Matthew 22

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’

"In terms of day to day, the mission statement means I know that I am working for God, so the standard of my work should be the best that I can do with what I have at that time. I am working for Him, the King of Kings, and I want to honour Him with my best. I seek to do my best for those around me, colleagues and children, parents etc., because God wants the best for them and I am His servant. I also want to be honourable and diligent in my work for myself and show respect through my actions."

“To always remember what God taught us and to make sure that I am living my life through his eyes. That I always treat other people how I want to be treated and that I love, care and give as much support to everybody as that is what I want for me, my family and friends. I always strive to be the best I can be.”

“I will endeavour to do my best for God, for my friends and family and to ensure that I continue to treat everyone equally and respectfully as I would like to be treated myself. ”

“I always strive to live my life through the teachings of God, especially his compassion and understanding for each person I come into contact with. Always remembering to have respect for our world and creatures as God would want us to.”

"For me the mission statement means as a school we are getting the children ready for the bigger world whilst still in our safe community. We provide opportunities to think big, have a go and keep trying even if it doesn’t work. We are supporting the children in making positive outcomes towards their futures."

"God made people utterly unique on purpose. Our diversity and different skills are a strength. We are called to live in community, and we know the damage that can be done through isolation and ongoing solitude. It’s vital that we have developed the virtues to be able to live well together, learning to disagree graciously, collaborate cheerfully and become wise in our thinking and decisions."

"Because I understand the amazing work that the school does, I love what I do. I am happy to come into the office, and I put my heart and soul into my work, because I know it matters."

"I always just think of the Mission Statement as what we live every day, we always have.  Holy Family has not changed over the very many years I have known it.  People can feel it when they come here - it is always commented on – it’s the atmosphere, the ethos, the caring family feel.  We know all the children and families, they know us.  We care about them as if they were our own."