Holy Family Catholic Primary School

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A Holy Family linguist will develop an early love of languages by being immersed into the language and culture of Spain. Our intent is to impart the skills and knowledge required to become confident linguists who appreciate the value of communication in a multilingual society. The pupils develop skills across listening, speaking, reading, writing and grammar which, due to this broad approach, enables them to apply their knowledge and understanding of Spanish in a variety of contexts. This will lay the foundations and inspire them to further their linguistic skills in the future. 


Pupils are taught Spanish for half an hour a week from years 1-6 following a progressive, skills based approach.  Learning is organised into topics that allows children to build upon their prior learning. Children within the EYFS are introduced to Spanish in an informal way through singing and games. An overview of our progression in Spanish/MFL curriculum can be found as attachments at the bottom of this page.

Our Spanish curriculum is mostly delivered through our 'Language Angels' scheme. Teachers use their skills to adapt and organise lessons to meet the needs of the children in their class.

In Key Stage 1 each class has a ‘floor book’ in which the teachers evidence the learning that the pupils have secured using photographs, pieces of writing, drawings etc. 

All children in Key Stage 2 have exercise books to record their work in and to show the progress of their skills of writing in Spanish. Almost all work is completed orally initially, repeating words and phrases to improve pronunciation and along with learning songs to help with understanding.

All children are encouraged to practise speaking Spanish as part of their daily routine, e.g. when answering the register, naming objects in the classrooms, counting different items or simply greeting each other at the start of the day.

Underpinning our exploration of the Spanish culture through these lessons, we make links to the Catholic Social Teaching value of the Dignity of the Human Person by showing respect to their traditions and celebrating their language.

Culture Week

To complement the lessons from ‘Language Angels’ and in addition to them, the whole school annually participates in a ‘Culture Week’. During this week the school celebrates the different cultures within our school and from around the world.

The week enables children who are from differing cultures to have the opportunity to bring in food, clothes, stories, artefacts, etc. and celebrate their heritage with their peers. Everyone is given the opportunity to speak about their own culture and to learn about other cultures from around the world. Parents are also invited to come into their child’s class to share information about their culture. Often they will read and share their unique knowledge and understanding of their country’s history and traditions; showing how some of these customs are the similar to our own or how they are different. Many parents have also read to the children in their native language. During this week the children are also encouraged to learn simple phrases from the languages of the children that are in their classes, such as answering the register, counting and greeting each other. In doing this, children have value for each other’s home languages and cultures. This is an extremely informative week, enjoyed by all.


By the end of each key year pupils are expected to have an age-appropriate understanding of and the confidence to speak, listen, read and write in Spanish. Teachers use their own judgements against the ‘Spanish Progression’ document and the children’s floor books/individual work books to assess the pupils’ abilities in Spanish at three points across the academic year. These assessments also inform teachers' annual reports to parents.


Spanish Progression