Design & Technology
Curriculum Statement
A Holy Family engineer can generate and develop ideas in order to create a purposeful and functional product that meets a particular design criteria. Developing these skills of creativity, innovation and evaluation, will enable children to become problem solvers and the inventors of the future.
- Children in Reception complete a variety of DT tasks through the implementation of the EYFS curriculum.
- In years 1-6, Design Technology is taught discreetly, with links made to other areas of the curriculum where appropriate.
- Children in Key Stage 1 and 2 follow the Twinkl PlanIt DT Scheme - a progressive, whole school scheme of work that develops skills within designing, making and evaluating.
- Children complete three discreet DT units per year. Two of these units cover the textiles and food aspects of the curriculum.
- Design Technology lessons account for at least 5% of curriculum time, during the three focus terms.
- In addition to the Twinkl PlanIt scheme, children also have opportunities to learn about inspirational designers and engineers throughout history.
- There are further opportunities to build small and large scale structures, and to use a variety of tools during regular Forest School sessions.
Measuring Impact
By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study. Teachers assess children’s work in DT whilst observing them working during lessons. These observations are used to inform assessments at three points across the year. These assessments also inform Teachers' annual reports to parents.
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- Design-Technology-Overview-Key-Stage-2 273761235 download_for_offline