Holy Family Catholic Primary School

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We aim for children to be enthused by technology and for them to be aware of the possibilities it provides. Our intention is that children leave Holy Family being technologically literate and able to stay safe in and keep up with the digital world.

We follow the Teach Computing scheme of work at Holy Family. The units in the curriculum cover: computing systems and networks; creating media; programming and data and information. As children progress through the school, they will develop their knowledge and skills across all areas.

Online safety is taught to the children at the beginning of each year. Each classroom displays a SMART poster, which outlines ways to stay safe online. This is complemented by activities on Online Safety Day and online safety workshops. The school recognises there is often an overlap between home and school when it comes to activities and communications between children online. Parents are therefore kept up to date with advice on this area through notices in newsletters, the school website and parents’ information sessions. Teachers are also in regular contact with parents using the ClassDojo app.

Children also have the opportunity to become digital leaders for the school, working with member of other classes to promote the importance of e-safety across the school through assemblies or campaigning. 

Both KS1 and KS2 pupils use laptops in both computing and cross-curricular lessons. All pupils are exposed to computing on a daily basis, with teachers using their interactive whiteboards and other computing classroom resources such as visualisers. We dedicate approximately one hour a week to computing, with some classes completing a double lesson every other week to explore a topic in more depth.