Holy Family Catholic Primary School

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A Holy Family artist appreciates art in its many different forms. They are inspired to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, showing particular confidence in drawing, painting and sculpture. They know about great artists and how art and design contributes to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.


  • Art and design skills are taught discretely, with links to cross curricular themes where appropriate.
  • Teachers follow the Kapow Art Scheme - a progressive, whole school scheme of work focused upon drawing, painting and sculpture.
  • Art lessons account for at least 5% of curriculum time, during the three focus terms.
  • Pupils also learn about a variety of famous artists, designers and/or craftspeople each year.
  • Biannual whole school art weeks provide further enrichment opportunities for pupils to learn about: different forms of art; famous artists and art movements; and art through time or around the world.
  • There are further opportunities to explore art in and through nature during regular Forest School sessions.

Art and Design at Holy Family is enriched and enhanced by two Catholic Social Teaching programmes: Caritas in Action (which looks at the social teachings of the church) and Building the Kingdom. Art is frequently used as a medium for expression when exploring the CST themes and celebrating different aspects of the Liturgical year. Whole school art displays reflect themes such as the Stations of Creation, Pentecost and our mission statement.

Measuring Impact

By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study. Teachers assess children’s work in Art and Design whilst observing them working during lessons. These observations are used to inform assessments at three points across the year. These assessments also inform teachers' annual reports to parents.




Year One - Paper Play