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Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Reverse Advent Calendar

As a school we decided to repeat the above event which we have completed for the past two years. This proved to be such a tremendous success, due to the continued generosity from our families, that we felt we could not possibly ignore it this year, as it is a wonderful way our school can share with the wider community and experience that feel good factor for all concerned.

Here is an overview of what in fact this event involves:
• A 'Reverse Advent Calendar' is where each class fills a box each day with items of food that can be taken to a ‘Foodbank’ in order to help those less fortunate and that are struggling at Christmas time.
• Each Class in our school has one box to fill with one item a day for 24 days covering November and the beginning of December.
• On each box you will find the image below, which shows each day in November and an item of food written in each square. We ask that you choose one day and that item that you would like to donate.
• Please could you let your child’s class teacher know the date that you would be willing to provide the item on the list on your class page, underneath their post about the reverse advent calendar.
• The teachers will keep a check of the dates already taken so that we do not end up with lots of the same items!
• Please bring in your item on the date of the calendar.

At the beginning of December, we donated the completed boxes to the local Foodbank so that they had time to prepare the items to share with those who are in need of them at Christmas. It was such a lovely idea and we hope you think so too.

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