Lockdown 2020 - Learning at Home
This is an incredibly small collection of all of the amazing work this years Reception class have been doing whilst learning at home during lockdown. Well done St Marys!
Davi 2
Davi 2.JPG20709Davi 2Archie
Archie.JPG20708ArchieArchie 2
Archie 2.JPG20707Archie 2Alex
Alex.JPG20706AlexAlex 2
Alex 2.JPG20705Alex 2Aleksandra
Aleksandra.JPG20704AleksandraAleksandra 2
Aleksandra 2.JPG20703Aleksandra 2Adam
Adam.JPG20702AdamAdam 2
Adam 2.JPG20701Adam 2Davi
Davi.JPG20710DaviDavid 2
David 2.JPG20711David 2David
David.JPG20712DavidElsie 2
Elsie 2.JPG20713Elsie 2Elsie
Elsie.JPG20714ElsieIsabelle 2
Isabelle 2.JPG20715Isabelle 2Isabelle
Isabelle.JPG20716IsabelleJasiu 2
Jasiu 2.JPG20717Jasiu 2Jasiu
Jasiu.JPG20718JasiuKonrad 2
Konrad 2.JPG20719Konrad 2Konrad
Konrad.JPG20720KonradLaura 2
Laura 2.JPG20721Laura 2Laura
Laura.JPG20722LauraLauren 2
Lauren 2.JPG20723Lauren 2Lauren
Lauren.JPG20724LaurenLeon 2
Leon 2.JPG20725Leon 2Leon
Leon.JPG20726LeonLeonel 2
Leonel 2.JPG20727Leonel 2Leonel
Leonel.JPG20728LeonelLola 2
Lola 2.JPG20729Lola 2Lola
Lola.JPG20730LolaMichael 2
Michael 2.JPG20731Michael 2Michael
Michael.JPG20732MichaelNathaniel 2
Nathaniel 2.JPG20733Nathaniel 2Nathaniel
Nathaniel.JPG20734NathanielNoah 2
Noah 2.JPG20735Noah 2Noah
Noah.JPG20736NoahOlivia 2
Olivia 2.JPG20737Olivia 2Olivia
Olivia.JPG20738OliviaOnyi 2
Onyi 2.JPG20739Onyi 2Onyi
Onyi.JPG20740OnyiSophia 2
Sophia 2.JPG20741Sophia 2Sophia
Sophia.JPG20742SophiaSophie 2
Sophie 2.JPG20743Sophie 2Sophie
Sophie.JPG20744SophieViaan 2
Viaan 2.JPG20745Viaan 2Viaan
Viaan.JPG20746ViaanVincent 3
Vincent 3.JPG20747Vincent 3Vincent
Vincent.JPG20748VincentWillow 2
Willow 2.JPG20749Willow 2Willow
Willow.JPG20750WillowZhuojun 2
Zhuojun 2.JPG20751Zhuojun 2Zhuojun