Year 6 – St Oscar Romero
Dear Parents,
Welcome back after Christmas! Below you'll find the information on homework and all things Year 6.
Reading Books
- All pupils will be given two school books to read from our reading scheme.
- Free readers can continue to choose a book from the class library to read.
- At Year 6, we would like children to read as often as possible, at least five times each week. Reading a range of books is highly important to improve comprehension in preparation for secondary schools (and SATs).
- All reading must be logged on ‘GoRead’ along with their feedback, following the questions on their bookmark, this will give them the practice of comprehension while reading.
- Please ensure books are handed in on Wednesday so they can be changed to home the following day. I appreciate many books are several pages long and therefore may be read over a longer period. Y
Reading regularly is the most important activity they can do to improve in all aspects of school.
Homework Expectations
• Arithmetic homework will be set every day. It must be completed and returned the following day. Not all questions will be covered yet so don’t worry if mistakes are made!
• LBQ homework will continue to be set. You must complete the ‘Twenty is Plenty’ each week (20 questions covering previously learnt content) but there will be other suggested activities throughout the week to complete too, which are optional.
• Regular times table practice on TT rockstars is recommended (but not compulsory), particularly if this is something your child needs to focus on.
Spelling, grammar and punctuation
• Pupils will be given grammar homework books, in which specific activities will be set. It is your child’s responsibility to look after these books. Due to their high cost, you will be required to replace them if they are lost.
• Spelling Shed games will continue this year. Pupils need to complete 7/7 games for that week. There is a spellings SATs test so make sure to get practising! There will also be a grammar activity on Spelling Shed to keep them ticking over.
PE and Forest Schools
PE will be taught every Tuesday and Wednesday. Pupils can continue to wear PE kit to school on these days (must be white shorts/ black joggers, trainers, red t-shirts). Forest school will continue to take place every term (it is next week this term!). They may need wellies for this, weather permitting.
Wednesday afternoon continues to be my preparation and planning time. Signature sports will take a PE session during this, and Mrs Cross will cover the other half of the afternoon.
Going home
To assist in safeguarding your children, it is very important that you please make sure that you inform the school by phone/ email, and myself in person (or on Dojo) if your child is allowed to walk home by themselves. If pupils are bringing phones into school, these must be given into me at the beginning of the day to be stored safely.
Class information, achievements and celebrations will be continued to be shared on our Class Dojo please, so please keep checking this regularly for messages and updates.
As always, please feel free to speak to me at the door, or contact me on class dojo about anything, no matter how small. Year 6 is a fantastic year, full of lots of opportunities, but it is also a time where pupils are continuing to grow into young adults and all the social and emotional challenges that come with that – my role is to not only teach them, but support them in this development too.
Thank you for your continued support!
Many thanks,
Mr. Marshall